Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) refers to the procedural and technical infrastructure that collects, stores, and analyzes the data produced by a company’s or individuals’ activities.

Quick access to intelligent insights helps sportspersons to make productive, analytical and impactful decisions and acquire business acumen and cash turnover enhancement strategies through business intelligence.

Enroll for an MSA Business intelligence course to learn how to effectively collect information, analyse it and make better career decisions.

  • Product Packaging

Professional sports people are strategic business units who must establish their brand image to suit the demands of the marketplace including a varied audience.
Building a strong personal brand is the first step toward a long and successful career for new and developing athletes. After all, one of your most potent weapons for reaching out to your target market is your own brand. It shapes how your fans, sponsors, and colleagues in the professional sports world see you, as well as how they remember and recognize you.
MSA greatly champions in building sports professionals into established brands by emphasizing on the 4Ps which are Placement, Product (which is the athlete), Packaging (How you carry and present yourself and Price( What is your worth?)

  • Social Media Skills

Social media offers sports professionals a platform to open up about their daily lives, careers, values and personal brands. Despite the many benefits this can bring to sport, some players may have a poor notion of how to use social media appropriately. Misuse of social media can lead to reputation damage, disciplinary actions, fines, and suspensions and in some serious cases, it can cost an athlete their career. What happens outside the field can influence the game.
Momentum Sports Africa offers strategic guidance to help you use your platforms to their full potential. This involves day to day use as well as launching campaigns or any other activities that help build your online brand. Whether you’re looking to build your profile on LinkedIn, launch your business on Instagram, or create more engaging content, we’re here to help you make the most out of the time you’re investing into your social media and see greater results from it. We offer support and strategy sessions, and long-term social media coaching programs to help to answer your questions, provide strategic advice, and equip you with the knowledge and support you need to improve your social media and grow your brand.

  • Sponsor Management

One of the most successful ways to dramatically increase corporate exposure and brand awareness is through modern sports sponsorship. This means that it is advantageous to both the sponsor and the beneficiary. Sponsorship can also result in a significant boost in cash turnover, higher corporate margins, and improved visibility with the correct management.
We understand sports sponsorship management and how to make it work for our clients at Momentum Sports Africa. We have extensive expertise brokering and maintaining sponsorship arrangements in a variety of sport disciplines. The objective is to emphasize the importance of sponsorship to sponsors, athletes, and other stakeholders such as major clients and suppliers.